It’s a new month, which means a new core word over here! This month is all about the word “more”. Keep reading for some tips, tricks, and ideas for how to practice the core word more in speech!
Just a reminder of the logistics of how *I* do this. You certainly do not have to do it this way and can implement some or all of these ideas with a traditional pull out model. I do recommend, however, trying some push in if you are able. You will gain some brand new insight into your itty bitties language skills.
I push into my early childhood classroom and lead “circle time”. First, we sing the Hello Song from Super Simple Songs and say hello at our own level (gesture, verbal, one button device, high tech AAC, etc), then we sing a song for our core word and model with our giant core board (Learn how I made our giant board HERE). We switch up the song every week.
core word: more, step by step
Here’s some deets about how we are targeting the core word MORE this month
We start our day with circle time singing “hello” and a song with the word stop repeated A LOT. Here are the songs we are using this month.
- One More Scoop
- More | Core Vocabulary Song
- I Want More AAC Song
- The More We Get Together
- Five Little Monkeys
When we work one on one with me we start by reading this interactive book all about MORE and participating at our level (listening to a model, one button device, sign, board, device, or verbal language 1-2 words). The interactive book can be found in my Core Word Kit for MORE Here

The word more can be used for SO MANY THINGS to request recurrence, but in my tote I have bubble so we can request “more bubbles”, blocks so we can request “more blocks”, and goldfish so we can request “goldfish”. We might switch this up as the month goes on, but you can request “more” of a lot of things!

If your students are into reading books, there are two books that are GREAT for this word.
SLPNow has amazing core word companions that go with these books including sentence building visuals and communication boards (pictured here). Don’t forget you can get a discount on you membership if you use the code ITTYBITTY (10 bucks off). You wont regret it. You can check out my full review HERE

Chipper Chat is also a fun option for “more”. You can use any chipper chat board you have or none at all. Or you can use the ones included in my core word kit HERE

And we always end with filling out our newsletter. It includes a T I N Y bit of comprehension, I always ask “what word did we practice today?” and we use a bingo dotter to mark it. It also keeps parents up to date on what our word is, what we did that day, and how they can practice at home!