My Honest Review of SLPNow

My most HIGHLY requested video/blog post BY FAR is my review of SLP Now, the amazing, Swiss Army knife website for SLPs! I highly suggest watching this video that I made because you can get a much better idea of the features included in video form. But if you’re more of reader, keep reading for my honest review of SLPNow

I love a good list, so I am going to do this review in list form, the top reason I LOVE SLP Now

And just FYI, this post is not sponsored, and I have been a dedicated member of SLPNow for over 4 years (I joined BEFORE I started itty bitty speech) BUT Marisha over at SLPNow was so kind to provide me with a coupon code to share with you. If you want to get $10 off your subsription using the code ITTYBITTY (case sensitive). I would LOVE to know if you join, we can be SLPNow buddies!

Also, these are screenshots of my actually SLPNow dashboard, data, schedule and more. My sweet kiddos names are blacked out, but this really is what I use EVERY DAY!.

HUGE Materials Library

If there is a theme, skill, or goal you need or want to target there’s a resource on SLPNow to help you complete with step by step directions. There are printable, no print, Boom decks, and MORE. I couldn’t even list out how much is included. You have to see it to believe it!

Easy to Use Schedule/Calendar

One of the things I love the most is the calendar feature. You can input your schedule (and it is. easy to change!), plan your week, keep data and notes about sessions, and medicaid bill all from the super easy to use dashboard. It functions very similar to google calendar (but like a magical google calendar tailor made for SLPs) so it is SUPER easy to use!

Evidence Based

The website includes the evidence in all of the skill packs AND an evidence table to quickly peruse so you know what you are doing is evidence based! All of the work is done for you!

Easy and quick to Track Data

Last year I went totally digital with my data and it has never been easier. Once you input your students goals into the system it is super quick and easy to track data. Either input percentages into the session or use the super easy data tracker tool and simply hit plus and minus on you phone, iPad, or laptop during the session! Bonus, it creates super amazing graphs that make me look REALLY good in IEP meetings.

Makes Medicaid billing easy!

My FAVORITE part of the website is the Medicaid billing feature. After a session, since you’ve already planned your session on the calendar and take data during the session you literally have to click ONE BUTTON to copy and paste the template into medicaid that is perfectly tailored to what your system wants. Literally, ONE CLICK, copy and paste! It takes me 5 minutes to medicaid bill for the ENTIRE DAY. Game. Changer.

Professional Development Included

THe SLPNow Academy is AMAZING. It includes tons of PD videos and is always growing. It is full of practical ideas that you can implement now, without the fluff. Plus you can get ASHA CEUs for watching them. Amazing.

Amazing Customer Service

The customer service is beyond amazing. There is a chat feature on the dashboard that someone is usually on for live support and help. And if it just so happens that someone isn’t able to help you live, I’ve never waiting more than a few hours for some help.

If that sounds amazing to you (and I mean, seriously, it should)! Get $10 off your subscriptions with the code ITTYBITTY, trust me, it will make your life SO MUCH easier and your therapy so much better and effective. And there you have it, my honest review of SLPNow

Don’t have a ton of money to spend on back to school? No problem! As always there are a TON of free resources in my freebie library, in my TPT Store, and my Boom Shop.

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