5 things I do in my morning routine as a school based SLP

Let’s be honest, we school based SLPs spend a lot of time in our speech rooms, and we spend a lot of time at school. There is a lot of talk about morning routines, but do you ever thing about your “get ready for your day” routine”? These are 5 things that I do every single day to set the tone for my day, make sure I don’t forget anything, and get ready to go!

1. First coffee, always coffee

My current favorite is Cameron’s Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend with Chobani creamer, so yummy!

2. Diffuse some essential oils

Let’s be honest, most of our speech rooms are TINY and kids are STINKY. I like to diffuse some (kid safe) essential oils each morning to get out the stink and encourage focus. My favorites are from Simply Earth, for a few reasons

First, and most importantly to me, each bottle has safety instructions on it. It will tell you what age the oil is safe for and if I am diffusing them in my speech room I need them to be safe for my speech babies.

Second, they are affordable. I am not about paying for MLM prices for EOs. Simply Earth makes affordable and high quality oils.

Third, they have some amazing blends. I love diffusing Lava in my living room (it smells like an anthro candle, seriously) and Downtime in my room before I go to sleep.

Simply Earth also offers a subscription service, they will send you a box of oils each month along with recipes to make different homemade products. The theme for the June box is “diffusing” which is perfect for my stinky speech room! It includes Blood Orange and Peppermint, one of my favorite morning combos. I am also excited to make the car diffuser, because stinky summer kids (iykyk).

Simply Earth is offering my itty bitty insiders a great deal, too! If you subscribe using THIS LINK and use my code ITTYBITTYFREE you will receive –

*recipe box (contains 4 full sized oils and extras).

*a free bonus box.

*a free $45 egift card.

*free access to the Essential Oil Hero Course to help you learn how to use Essential Oils Safely

Or you can use the Link ITTYBITTYFREE to get a discount on a no subscription order as well!

3. Check My Planner

I keep all of my timebound events in my Peacefully Productive Planner from Hustle Sanely. I also spread out my to do list across the week to make it more manageable. I check it each morning to see what IEPs, evals, etc. I have planned as well as what I have planned to get crossed off my to do list that day.

4. Check my Schedule

All of my data and schedule lives on SLPNow, an SLPs best friend. I double check what kids I have scheduled that day. Take a quick peek at their goals if I don’t have them memorized, and make a mental plan for their therapy session that day.

If you want to learn more about SLPNow, check out my blog post review HERE, and you can get 10 dollars off your first month with the code ITTYBITTY

5. Print Copies

If I need any copies of worksheets, homework, etc. I make sure to do that first thing. If you’ve ever been in a session and not had the copies you need you know its the worst!

Doing these 5 things, in that order, every morning makes sure I am set up for a productive day and that I don’t miss anything. What do you have to do each morning when you get into work.

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