Hey there! Do you struggle as much as I do to target yes/no questions, especially for students with echolalia? Yes vs. no is a higher level skills than one might imagine BUT imagine the power that being able to reliably answer yes/no questions can give our students! I created this yes/no question foundations pack as an attempt to give a jump start for a few of my students with this goal. Take a peek inside!
Grab it here: Yes/No Question Foundations

This set includes 3 interactive books. Two are errorless books and one is not. The first two books are “My Yes Book” and “My No Book”. As you could have guessed, in the first book the answers are all yes and in the second the answers are all no. I created these books specifically for my students with echolalia. These books allow them to learn to answer a question without repeating.

The third book in this set is “My Yes & No Book”. This one gets a bit trickier and requires a bit more practice, but hopefully by this time your students understand the visual/colors for yes and no and can provide unique responses. If not, no harm in going back to the errorless books!

Some of the questions in these books are quite silly, and my students really get a kick out of them.

Next in this set is a yes vs. no sorting mat. Students will choose a question and decide if it goes on the “yes” or “no” side of the mat.There are two levels to this task. The one pictured above as well as a more supported option with visual color coding. The questions with a green border are yes, and the ones with the red outline are no.

The last task in this set is Yes/No cards with visual choices. These are the most difficult task in the pack, but I just love how I can scaffold this skill to support my students’ learning.