Organizing Toys in a Small Speech Therapy Space

Hey there, itty bitty insiders!

I’m Megan, your go-to school SLP, and I’m kicking off August with one of my favorite topics: organizing therapy spaces. With the school year around the corner, it’s the perfect time to get things in order. Today, let’s dive into how you can organize toys in a small therapy room to keep everything neat, accessible, and engaging for your students.

The first thing you always have to do is PURGE. If it’s broken, if you don’t have all the parts, if YOU don’t like to play with it then get rid of it. We have precious space and brain power to use and we can’t waste it on toys we don’t absolutely love. So before you jump into the steps I have laid out, you have to purge. Promise me? Ok great!

1. Categorize and Conquer

Pull out all of your toys, yes, all of them. Start by sorting toys into categories: think sensory toys, imaginative play games, board games, and fine motor activities. I love using clear bins because they let me see what’s inside at a glance. Label each bin with a simple, colorful label so that even if you’re in a rush, you know exactly where to grab what you need.

2. Use Vertical Space

When floor space is limited, go vertical! Wall-mounted shelves and pegboards are fantastic for keeping toys organized without cluttering up your therapy area. Hang baskets or bins on the wall to hold smaller items. Don’t forget to use the tops of shelves and cabinets (or the space under your basement stairs) I use a magnet hooks on my cabinets to display frequently used tools and toys—it’s a game changer for quick access!

3. Invest in Stackable Bins

Stackable bins are a lifesaver for small spaces. They fit neatly into closets or under tables and can be pulled out easily when needed. Plus, they’re perfect for organizing smaller items like card games, puzzles, and art supplies. Label each bin so you can find what you need in a snap.

4. Rotate Toys for Freshness

To keep things exciting for your students, consider rotating toys every few weeks. Store some toys out of sight and switch them up periodically. This not only keeps the therapy space fresh and engaging but also prevents overstimulation. Trust me, the excitement on your students’ faces when they see “new” toys is worth it!

5. Create a “Quick Grab” Zone

Set up a designated spot for toys and materials you use the most. Whether it’s a rolling cart or a dedicated shelf, this quick grab zone helps you stay organized and saves time. I keep my most-used items in a cart that I can easily move from one side of the room to the other. It’s a lifesaver during busy therapy sessions! I also have my therapy table positioned so there is a shelf and counter behind me, makes it easy to grab what I need!

Need Some Extra Help?

I’ve put together a Toy Organization Checklist to help you get started. It’s a handy freebie you can download to guide you through the process of decluttering and organizing your therapy space. Grab your checklist here!

You can grab some of my favorite toy organization supplies from Amazon and Michaels.

I hope these tips help you create a more organized, functional therapy space that your students will love. Remember, a well-organized space leads to more productive therapy sessions and a happier you!

Stay tuned for more tips and tricks as we continue to get ready for the school year. If you have any organization tips of your own, drop them in the comments or tag me in your posts—I’d love to see how you keep your therapy space in top shape!

Lots of Love,

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