How to Target the Core Word Stop in Speech Therapy

 Every Month in my early childhood classroom we target a new core word. We have found that a “word of the week” was just too quick for our students and they really benefit from the exposure and routine involved with repeating the same word for 3-4 weeks. Keep reading for a rundown of how to target the core word STOP.


I push into my early childhood classroom and lead “circle time”. First, we sing the Hello Song from Super Simple Songs and say hello at our own level (gesture, verbal, one button device, high tech AAC, etc), then we sing a song for our core word and model with our giant core board (Learn how I made our giant board HERE). We switch up the song every week.

Core Word: Stop, Step by Step

Here’s some deets about how we are targeting the core word STOP this month 🛑

🛑 We start our day with circle time singing “hello” and a song with the word stop repeated A LOT. Here are the songs we are using this month.

🛑When we work one on one with me we start by readying this interactive book all about stop and participating at our level (listening to a model, one button device, sign, board, device, or verbal language 1-2 words). The interactive book can be found in my Core Word Kit for Stop HERE.

🛑We practice making cars STOP on the road, or making the bus stop (Bonus: this little people bus sings a song “stop and go”)

🛑Next,we might go for a walk or practice jumping or spinning and yelling “stop” and holding up our stop sign.

🛑Then, we always finish with a teeeeny bit of comprehension by putting a dot on our newsletter to let our grown ups know what word we practiced in school.

🛑Last. we finish by putting our speech letter in our book bags!

Let me know if you have any questions! I love to talk about Core Words and could talk about how to target the core word stop all day!

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