Essential Tips for Your First Week of Speech Therapy | Back to School Guide for SLPs

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Can you believe it’s almost time to kick off another school year? Whether you’re a seasoned Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) or just starting out, getting ready for the first day of speech therapy is so important. I always feel a mix of nostalgia for summer and excitement to see my kiddos again. But let’s make sure we’re starting off on the right foot! Here’s my guide to making that first week of speech therapy—everything from building rapport to setting up smooth routines for speech therapy success.

What’s Important the First Week of Speech Therapy?

The first week of speech therapy is all about setting the stage for a great year. It’s your chance to build connections with your students, help them feel comfortable, and give them a sneak peek at what speech therapy will look like. Your main goals? Make sure your students feel welcome, explain why they’re in speech therapy, and start laying the foundation for their individual goals. No need to dive straight into therapy—start with activities that help them feel excited and ready for the journey ahead!

How to Build Rapport with Your Speech Therapy Students

Building rapport is everything. Whether you’re working with familiar faces or new students, take time to get to know them. Ask about their summer, their favorite hobbies, or what they’re most excited about this year. For younger students, my All About Me Freebie is a perfect way to break the ice—they get to color and share about themselves, and you get to learn about their interests. For older students, I love using question dice or a beach ball with questions on it. These icebreakers not only get the conversation going, but they also give you insight into your students’ communication skills from the get-go.

Fun “Get to Know Me” Activities for Speech Therapy

Here are some of my favorite ways to help students open up and get the conversation flowing:

  • Conversation Sticks: Write some fun and simple questions on popsicle sticks. Have students draw a stick and answer—it’s an easy way to start conversations and get a feel for their language skills. No popsicle sticks? No problem. There are some conversation starters in my Get to Know Me kIt – just print and go.
  • Conversation Dice: Roll the dice and let the unique questions guide your session! They’re a hit with older students. These are my favorites.
  • Beach Ball Questions: Write questions on a beach ball and toss it around. Whatever question is facing up when they catch it is the one they answer. It’s interactive, fun, and gets everyone laughing.

I’ve even put together a “Get to Know Me Kit” so you’ve got everything you need in one download! Grab it here. It includes multiple levels of get to know me activities and two fun games. You can also grab a free get to know me worksheet for your littlest speech friends in my freebie library. If you still need the password make sure you sign up for my email list, I promise, no spam!

Establishing a Routine in Speech Therapy

Let’s talk routines. A solid routine helps students feel comfortable and know what to expect, and it sets you up for a smooth year. Here’s how I like to set things up during the first week:

  • Introduce Expectations: Show students how to enter the room, what to do when they arrive, and explain the basics of what’s expected of them during sessions.
  • Use a Visual Schedule: I love using visual schedules to show students how our sessions are structured. Walk them through each part so they know what’s coming next.
  • Personalize Speech Folders: If you’re using speech folders, let your students personalize them! It’s a great way to get them involved, and you can explain how their folders will track their progress throughout the year.
  • Review Goals: Talk about their speech therapy goals in a way that gets them excited and makes sense for their age level.
  • Set Rules & Expectations: Be clear about the rules and expectations for your sessions. Consistency is key for a smooth year.

Final Thoughts on the First Week of Speech Therapy

Starting the year off right makes a world of difference. From building strong connections with fun activities to creating a comfortable, predictable routine, you’ll set the stage for a successful year of speech therapy. I’m excited to dive into another school year with my students, and I can’t wait to see all the progress (and smiles) that are coming our way.

Here’s to a fantastic year!

Lots of Love,

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