So you know that you need to teach categories in speech, you know it is a foundational skill that your itty bitties need to learn, but you ask you kiddos to tell you three farm animal, or you ask them “what group do a cow, pig, and a chicken go it?” and you get blank stares? Yea. I’ve been there, and I’ve found some tried and true strategies to BREAK.IT. DOWN. to see some success for your kiddos. Keep reading for 5 ways to teach categories in speech!
1. Use real objects!
You don’t even need to buy anything fancy, use what you have, bring food from home. I’m almost positive you have people, or cars, or play food, or animals. Grab some buckets or empty bins or paper bags and sort, sort, SORT! Seeing a PHYSICAL group really makes a big difference in little brains
2. Cut & Paste those categories
Again, this doesn’t have to be fancy worksheet, it can be, but you can also cut pictures out of magazines, or draw things on scrap paper. The physical act of glueing to two separate papers (or boxes on the same paper) helps solidify this concept too. BONUS: You can send it home with a note to parents to help reinforce at home

3. Use consistent language (group or category)
… at least to start. If you’re gonna call them “groups” or “categories”, say it consistently and say it A LOT. Kiddos with language and learning disorders need lots and lots repetition.

4. Explicit Teaching of what a “category” is
This might be obvious, but then again maybe not. Your kiddos need to be taught (and taught and taught) what a category is. I use my Describing Interactive Teaching Books for consistent and visually supported instruction.
5. Use Visuals
There are tons of free and paid visuals you can use, just pick one and USE IT! Visuals make things stick. They are permanent when the words you say are not. I use the Expanding Expressions Tool and my FREE Describing Visual but you do you girl!

If you’re looking for some resources to help you target these goals check out my Teachers Pay Teachers Store for some inspiration and resources! You can also check out my FREEBIE LIBRARY for more goodies to 5 ways teach categories in speech!