5 reasons I love Paperpie books as a pediatric SLP (and mom to 2)

Hi! I’m Megan. I’m a school based pediatric SLP and mom to 2 itty bitties. I am a firm believer in books and literacy as critical to language development and growth and that is just one of the reason’s I love Paperpie books.

At school I work with students with a variety of diagnoses and challenges ranging from Autism to Down Syndrome to Sensory Processing disorders and beyond. At home I’m just a mom trying to foster a lifelong love of reading in my own kids. And Paperpie books are perfect for both!

I’ll be totally honest, I started a seller account with Paperpie to get the “discount” for myself so that I could buy books for my students and my own kids but as they became favorites at home and at school I knew I couldn’t keep them to myself.

Disclaimer: I do make a commission on any purchases you make through my links, my students and my own kiddos appreciate any support so they can get more books!

Here are 5 reasons I love Paperpie books as a pediatric SLP (and mom to 2)

High Interest Topics

Paperpie has books, at all levels, for pretty much every high interest topic from animals to construction vehicles to space and everything in between, High interest topics are key to getting kids of all levels, but especially my Autistic Students, engaged with books. My sons current special interest is cranes – and they even have a book all about cranes!

Engaging Details

Not only are the illustrations in Paperpie books detailed and inviting for the littlest readers, but so many have engaging details like lift the flap, hidden pictures, touch and feel, or press for sound.

Durable Construction

I don’t know what it is about Paperpie books, but those puppies are THICK and stand up to abuse better than a lot of the other random books I have in my house and in my speech room, which is good because these are FAVORITES and they get used and abused.

Sensory Friendly

Mostly all kids, but especially A lot of my Autistic students and students with sensory processing disorders engage with books so much better when ALL of their senses are engaged. Paperpie books have touch and feel patches the go beyond just fur, there are scratchy and squishy and smooth and more, especially in the “That’s not my” series. There are also books that make noise for those auditory seekers out there, especially the Sound Books and Don’t Tickle the series. There are also finger trail books for tactile seekers and look and find books for visual seekers and so much more!

Fine Motor Friendly

This may seem like a small details, but most if not all of the board books that Paperpie publishes have cut outs on each page that make turning the pages easier for little hands. This is important for two reasons – toddlers can be independent turning pages AND it helps many of my students with fine motor delays to. also have some independence with books that they might not otherwise have

Interested in exploring all that Paperpie has to offer? You can shop my link HERE (I greatly appreciate your support) or if you need help shopping, shoot me an email or find me on instagram @ittybittyspeech and we can chat!

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